In partnership with the KFA LGBTQ2S+ Committee and the KSA Queer Constituency, KDocsFF Outreach is pleased to present a virtual screening of Elina Gress and Lenee Son’s award-winning documentary on the life of trans activist, January Marie Lapuz, to mark the Transgender Day of Remembrance.

Date: November 20, 2020

Place: Online. A link will be available on this site 24 hours before the event.

Schedule: 3:30pm: Site opens; 4:00pm: Keynote address; 4:15pm: Film screening; 4:40pm: Panel discussion.

Keynote Speaker: Alex Sangha, Film Producer and Social Worker

Moderator: Tara Lyons, Criminology

Panelists: Elina Gress and Lenee Son, Film Directors and KPU Alumni; Jack Kennedy, nonbinary writer and activist; Velvet Steele, Canada’s Premiere Transsexual Fetish Lady


This special event is sponsored by the President’s Diversity and Equity Committee (PDEC) at KPU.